Dear Welmar Chavez,
This week's FREE Stock Trading Resource is Part 3 of our Technical Analysis series! Uploaded in the PinoyInvestor Academy, Part 3 tackles the main thing that Technical Analysts look at: charts!
Technical Analysis - Part 3. The Technical Analysis series is a simple, multiple-part, and educational resource designed to help PinoyInvestor members know more about Technical Analysis. It also complements the new Technicals Talk section in the PinoyInvestor Stocks Report, which shows our partner brokers' technical analysis of select PSE stocks.
Learn about the different chart properties, chart types, and most importantly, chart patterns! Find out what Bar and Candlestick charts are and how Head and Shoulders (and we don't mean Lionel Messi's shampoo), Cup and Handle, Triangles, Wedges, and other chart patterns really look like so you can make more profitable trades!
Download and read Part 3 of our Technical Analysis series now! Login to the PinoyInvestor Members' Area and head over to the PinoyInvestor Academy. Regardless if you are a FREE or a PREMIUM member, this resource is available to you!
We will periodically upload more FREE stock trading resources so watch out for them! We hope this helps you make better stock investment decisions.
REVAMPED Referral Income Program. In case you missed it from our previous email, we have revamped our referral income program to accommodate our members' request for a stream of passive income! From just a one-time referral income of only P100 per person referred to a Premium Access subscription, you (whether you're a Free or Premium member) now have these great benefits:
If you refer someone to a Monthly Premium Access subscription, we will give you P200 outright for that person’s first subscription! That 50% commission is already HALF the monthly cost of a Premium Access subscription!
And in the succeeding months that he/she keeps subscribed, we will also give you P100 EVERY MONTH! That's long-term passive income for you!
If you refer someone to a 4-Month Discounted Premium Access subscription, we will give you P500 outright for that person’s first subscription! That is even MORE THAN the monthly cost of a Premium Access subscription!
And in the succeeding 4-month periods that he/she keeps subscribed, we will also give you P400 for EVERY 4-MONTH period that he/she keeps subscribed! Again, that's long-term passive income for you!
Remember, these referrals will only be valid if you refer them using your own affiliate link, which can be found in the Affiliate Info tab of your member panel.
We will be testing this revamped referral income program for about 2 months and if we see that more members are indeed benefitting from it, then we'll make this referral income program stick for good!
We hope all these benefits - the FREE resources in the PinoyInvestor Academy and the revamped referral income program - help you maximize your PinoyInvestor subscription!
Happy trading!
Best regards,
Your PinoyInvestor Team
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