• "Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor."

    10 Myths that can Stop You From Succeeding in Life

    1) Rich people are greedy. Greediness depends on the goals and means of a person or the business as a whole. Being rich does not necessarily mean being eager to acquire more than what an individual already has. In most cases, the poor people are most likely the ones who become greedy. Why? Because money gets in their way to help, give or attain their dreams and wants while money is not a problem to rich people. Hence, affluent individuals need not strive to have more than the amount of money they already have.  Anybody can become greedy if money is the main goal because money can cause issues among harmonious relationships and even change an individual’s personality for the worse. Having the right goals and achieving them through proper means is not greediness.
    2)  Most success stories have a ‘back story’ involving unhappiness and sacrifice. People who have a ‘back story’ of unhappiness and sacrifice use these things as an inspiration. No one is free from unhappiness and sacrifice. It is just that some have experienced more or less than others. It is always about the objectives and motivation rather than a ‘back story’ and insignificant factors that contribute to success. Life stories whether ending in success story not will always have parts of unhappiness and sacrifice. These things add colors to people’s lives and highlights success when finally reached. Life is not lived fully when it doesn’t have ups and lows.
    3)  I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. For some, success is laid right in front of them and they only have to exert a little effort to reach it but for others, it is a struggle. Hard work is always being paid off. Success is sweeter when a person only started with scratch. It is so much more rewarding because of the ability to prove that everybody can start with little or nothing at all. There are a lot of factors that contribute to success. One of them is the personality. Being optimistic and focusing to the goals no matter what with no ‘buts’ is one of the key attitudes to success. One should start with what he has while pursuing what he wants, doing every possible way to attain success.
    4)  The only way to succeed is to use of other people. In a two-way business relationship, both parties benefits and is therefore not classified as ‘using other people’. It is simply called working as a team to meet a common goal. Fulfilling the needs of each other is the result of exerted efforts on both parties, allowing them to “give what they receive” and vice versa. It is a process of acquiring allies to succeed while giving opportunities to others for them to achieve their own success.
    5)  I don’t want to be selfish, so I’d better charge less for products/services.In a shopping scenario, most shoppers choose the items with higher prices compared with similar items. This is because there is a belief that a high price means high quality. It is one of the ways that people can appreciate the value of the product. Placing the most reasonable price is not being selfish. In fact, it is being fair to customers and yourself for producing such products or services that is worth people’s time and money. Business is business and all the decisions should be made through critical thinking, analysis and decision-making. 
    6)  To be wealthy means you have to give up time with family, friends, presence in church or doing your spiritual practice. Before a person becomes wealthy, he should have learned wise time management because it is one of the necessities at work. Being wealthy does not diminish time. It is just about having plans and schedule for matters that are organized according to priority. We can always make time for people and events that are important to us. People just make excuses when they do not want to attend to someone or something.
    7)  To be a good person I should give away some of my money. A person should know how to manage resources such as money well. Giving away some of your extra money is a way of sharing blessings and expressing your gratefulness for all the progress you are currently experiencing. Saving is also part of investing for the future of the business, allowing you to share more of the wealth. The reason it is called donation is because it is given in kind. It is not a requirement to be a good person but it just comes naturally because of a good heart and the genuine intention of helping and giving. It is a good act especially when done voluntarily. Most of the successful people today give to charity such as Bill Gates.
    8)  I will have more expenses if I have more money. The reason why wealthy people have more expenses is because they change their lifestyle into something more luxurious. Having more money should not bring more expenses. Logically, acquiring more money should only be more than enough to cover all the usual expenses and thus, saving more extra money. It is better to earn more money while having the same sets of expenses. Everything is just a matter of budgeting if ever there will be additional expenses. They should be necessities rather than luxuries. Warren Buffet is the second richest person in the world but he is still living a frugal life with his wife in a small apartment that he bought many years ago.
    9)  Why should I enjoy myself when there are children starving in Africa?Success is something people work hard for. Reaching success should be guilt-free because it is the ultimate outcome of all the factors that lead us to it. The misfortune of others should not hinder people from enjoying the good things in life. We should take life’s blessing where we find them because it is proof that not everybody is given a chance to enjoy these things. To refuse good things is to show ungratefulness for all the blessings that others pray for. Just enjoy what you already have because you have them for a special reason. It is either you deserve them or you are blessed to be given the opportunity to enjoy these things.
    10) My closest kin and friends did not make it so I won’t either. A person should dream and work without boundaries. Do not set limitations for what you can do. People differ so their skills and qualities do not match to yours. This only means that opportunities come to those who deserve them. Each one of us is a unique individual. Trying is the only way to test something if it fits you or not. Then, you can assess the opportunities that are the best for you. Someone’s success should not depend on others. The ability and drive to succeed is within oneself. Do not limit yourself based on other’s achievements because you have the ability and opportunity to go farther. 

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    Welmar Villanueva Chavez was born in Cadiz City Negros Occidental in 1984,the first son of Wilson and Ma. Ofelia Chavez. He graduated from the University of St. La Salle Bacolod City with the Bachelors Degree of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
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